Adored Beast Apothecary

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Julie Anne Lee DCH RCSHom

Adored Beast Apothecary is the culmination of decades of experience in the trenches of holistic healthcare by founder Julie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHom. Julie has spent her life learning and teaching others how to provide healthy, holistic care to our adored beasts.


Once I start using supplements do I have to do it forever?

NO! I have always felt the best way to supplement is to do something called rotation which simply means rotating a well balanced regime to

protect and feed the gut
support the portal system ( liver kidneys pancreas and gall bladder )
immune function
joints and muscles
digest food

Through the use of rotation, the body does not become complacent. Pulsing or rotating gives the body the reminder and support to heal and stay healthy but you are not continuing to try and do its job for it. Saying that, animals with very compromised issues or animals that have to stay on drugs (like seizure medication, NSAD’s or steroids) will need constant support.

Now there is a distinct difference between food / nutrition and supplements. For example Phytosynergy in my opinion I would consider nutrition and it is a main stay in my furry family and myself. Beneficial bacteria is also something that I consider to be helpful long term as your dogs food and our food is so depleted in natural friendly bacteria. This means giving a pre and probiotic long term is very helpful.

Since it is a higher price point than other similar products what makes Adored Beast line better?

There are many reasons for this and many ways to look at this

there are 0 fillers!! Everything in every Adored Beast product is a pure, 100% Active ingredient!! We are so proud to be in the minority of companies that do not believe that to just look bigger is better.

our next answer is another part of Adored Beast that we are so proud of and that is the “ Grade” of our products. Some people believe there is “animal grade” = not fit for human consumption or “ human grade”… well, I found out all too quickly that it is just not that simple. How I look at it, there are two other grades …one I like to call “health food store grade” = a better quality than those that super markets or drug stores carry (this is because people that own health food stores are usually educated and their passion resides in health so they demand a higher quality one of which is usually not synthetic) BUT many many many supplements that are human grade are in fact synthetic which is known to cause more damage than not giving a vitamin or mineral at all. Then there is another way of manufacturing formulas or compounding formulas and that is called “professional grade”. Most companies that do professional compounding are much smaller than the huge brand name manufacturers. A professional manufacturer compounder makes / mixes / compounds formulas for Doctors, Veterinarians, Naturopaths, Herbalists, Homeopaths, Chiropractors, TCDr…..because they only supply professionals the ability to work one on one and see with your own eyes the certificate of analysis including the country of origin. This is light years ahead of just going to a huge company and having them make your formulas. All Adored Beast products are produced by manufacturers that deal with professionals as described above.

because many of the products have a VERY wide array of ingredients that addresses the body in a synergistic way to support healing and health, they are more expensive than a less complicated formula. As an example: Healthy Gut Digestive enzyme has ALL the digestive components. It has enzymes made from animal source and plant source and contains a pre and probiotic which means that you are getting 3 products in one! There are a few reasons we did this .

1. to save you not only money but time

2. to save the difficulty of putting so many things in your animal's food,

3. we believe that their food is such an important and fun part of their day and it should not taste like supplements and take that enjoyment away!

Are your products Human Grade?

This is a part of Adored Beast that we are so proud of and that is the “ Grade” of our products. Some people believe there is “animal grade” = not fit for human consumption or “ human grade”… well, I found out all too quickly that it is just not that simple. How I look at it, there are two other grades …one I like to call “health food store grade” = a better quality than those that super markets or drug stores carry (this is because people that own health food stores are usually educated and their passion resides in health so they demand a higher quality one of which is usually not synthetic) BUT many many many supplements that are human grade are in fact synthetic which is known to cause more damage than not giving a vitamin or mineral at all. Then there is another way of manufacturing formulas or compounding formulas and that is called “professional grade”. Most companies that do professional compounding are much smaller than the huge brand name manufacturers. A professional manufacturer compounder makes / mixes / compounds formulas for Doctors, Veterinarians, Naturopaths, Herbalists, Homeopaths, Chiropractors, TCDr…..because they only supply professionals the ability to work one on one and see with your own eyes the certificate of analysis including the country of origin. This is light years ahead of just going to a huge company and having them make your formulas. All Adored Beast products are produced by manufacturers that deal with professionals as described above.

Why do your products say “proprietary blend”, what does that mean?

That is a VERY good question and can mean many things with many companies. With Adored Beast we are proud of our transparency! We use the term proprietary blend because it has been Julie Anne Lee DCH own formula that she created researched and worked with at her Veterinary clinic. They are not formulas taken from other companies or created by someone else they are her’s - tried and true! This is where Adored Beasts proprietary blends come from and we say this to give you the utmost confident to know how they have come to be. Some companies use this term to hide ingredients like fillers or synthetics…you will see thats not the case on our labels.

Do you source any ingredients from China?

Again we pride ourselves in our transparency, yes we do. This is because China now owns the majority of natural health ingredients. When the surge of awareness became apparent in the financial world that natural supplement were the next enormous trade, China is always at the forefront and basically purchased most of our herbal farms and manufactures. They now literally are grown in the US sent to China then sent back JUST like our salmon!!! When something says made in the US or Canada is does NOT mean sourced there or even manufactured there! There are so many loop holes in the term “made” which includes coming from here going there then packaged here…….this is why I was so meticulous in finding the right company - one that I could ask ever single detail of every single product to the actual person doing the purchasing of the ingredients. Because of the HUGE push back in the market from China they have now worked with Europe to implement really strict standards some of which are much higher than the US and Canada.